I love when I buy bedding, and the comforter or sheets come in a sturdy, zippered pouch. I don't have to feel guilty about throwing plastic away, and I can use the bag to organize something. For those of you who knit or crochet, these pouches make great project bags. You can also use them to store balls of yarn or knitting accessories. They're perfect because you can see through them. Typically, bags like these can start around $9-12-plus shipping per bag. Before I had a sewing machine case, I used a large comforter bag to protect my machine from dust. I have my glue gun and glue sticks in one, my husband's hair clippers (with attachments) in another, and I made a first aid kit with a smaller one. These bags would even work to keep toys organized-blocks, puzzle pieces, fridge letters...etc.
I just did this the other day with mine too. =)