Lately, I have been feeling guilty about all the plastic baggies I throw away. My husband takes 2 sandwiches for lunch at least 3-4 days a week. I have been going through the baggies like crazy. With the prices going up, I decided to look into sandwich wraps. I thought wraps would save more space in a lunch box, instead of those tupperware sandwich containers. I found an adorable wrap from But when I got it, I decided to save it for my son, when he starts bringing his lunch to school. I was worried that the bread would not stay fresh overnight in the fridge, since I make my husband's lunch the night before. But these would be perfect for a peanut butter and jelly, that only needs to be kept fresh for a couple of hours. I will be looking into other snack bags for the boys to keep their chips/crackers in. My husband is now using the plastic sandwich containers. I have more dishes, but I feel a little less guilty...
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